📄️ Flows
A flow is a configurable automated process that will run one or more actions.
🗃️ Modules
6 items
📄️ Regex filters
A regex filter can filter out bad or unwanted messages in your counting channel without screwing up the count.
🗃️ Counting systems
7 items
📄️ Bypass message deletion
If you want to announce something in the channel without actually counting something then you can set up a bypassable role. Anyone with a bypassable role can bypass message deletion by starting their message with !.
📄️ Scores & Leaderboard
We have implemented a score table that keeps track of how many times each user has counted in the counting channel.
📄️ Notifications
If you want to keep yourself up-to-date in your counting channel, or someone else's counting channel, you can set it up so Countr will send you a DM whenever you'd like.
📄️ Timeouts
A timeout role is a way for you to give a role automatically if they fail X amount of times within Y seconds.